
March 30, 2010

How To Naturally Cure Premature Ejaculation

If you want to know how to have long sex and last longer in the bed then you must read this!
My PE had been shockingly bad for years, at one point I even stopped having sex because it put me off so much. I didn't know what to do because it was getting worse and worse.
Every solution I tried either didn't work or was just too expensive to keep buying over and over again. I hit an all time low. I eventually broke and told one of my friends one evening when we were out having dinner. He totally sympathised with me and it turns out he had been suffering with the same problems I had! Anyway he said that he was currently using natural techniques to control his ejaculation and I should try the same.

This is called the reverse Kegel:
Instead of trying to stop the flow of urine (normal kegel), push out, like you are trying to force the urine out. This relaxes the BC muscle, which moves away from the prostate, which helps you last longer. This is my usual routine during sex: Insertion; before I get the feeling of ejaculation, I perform a reverse kegel and hold it for 20 seconds to 5 minutes...depending on how turned-on I am. Then just repeat until she has finished.
My friend also told me there was an online guide available that he had been using to learn all these amazing techniques. He claimed that he had mastered ejaculation control using just one or two of these methods during intercourse.
I am now also using the same guide and the results have been fantastic. I will never have to buy another "remedy" to help delay my PE again so comparing that to the cost of the guide has saved me small fortune.
Now of course it's your choice if you want to buy a medical remedy or if you'll look for a better natural alternative but it's fair to conclude that premature ejaculation really can be cured naturally.
So STOP wasting your time and energy looking for remedies that never work. The online guide will show you techniques you never even thought about that will guarantee to cure your PE. Check out the guide and finally cure your Premature Ejaculation

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